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Welcome to Our Green Streets

The online directory dedicated to connecting you with nearby recycling centres.

Designed with ease and accessibility in mind, our platform serves as a bridge between eco-conscious citizens and local recycling facilities.

How does it work? It’s simple:

  • Location-Based Search: Begin by entering your postcode or town/city name. Alternatively, make use of our ‘Current Location’ feature for quick results tailored to your immediate vicinity.
  • Waste Type Selection: Highlight the specific types of waste you’re looking to recycle using the handy checkboxes provided. This ensures that the centres listed align with your recycling requirements.
  • Detailed Listings: Each search result provides an in-depth look at the recycling centres. Learn about their opening times, exact locations, and the types of waste they cater to.
  • In-depth Centre Overview: Clicking on a centreโ€™s name reveals further information, including an interactive map pinpointing its location, contact information, and any noteworthy features or services they offer.

Our mission

Our mission is to streamline and demystify the recycling process, ensuring that every individual can contribute to a greener and more sustainable future with ease. By bridging the gap between households and recycling centres, we’re fostering a culture of responsible waste management.

Join us in this eco-revolution. Together, let’s pave the way for a cleaner, greener UK.

Thanks for choosing OurGreenStreets!